How to deal with calcified coronaries

With the collaboration of Euro4C Group
Coronary Interventions
Other coronary interventions
Case-based Discussion

Watch this session if you want

  • To understand how to assess calcification in the coronaries
  • To learn the contemporary tools and techniques for optimal plaque modification
  • To discuss practical decisional algorithms to select the most appropriate tool in function of calcification severity and extension

Anchorperson: Andreas Baumbach

Moderator: Gabor G. Toth

Discussants: Joshua Loh, Alfazir Omar

Procedural Analyst: Ashok Seth

Session objectives

Andreas Baumbach

Case presentation - Baseline

Ashok Seth

Discussion and audience interaction
Intravascular imaging to assess calcification

Alfazir Omar

Discussion and audience interaction
Case presentation - Procedure part 1

Ashok Seth

Discussion and audience interaction
Principles of intravascular lithotripsy

Joshua Loh

Principles of rota and orbital atherectomy

Gabor G. Toth

Tools and techniques algorithm

Andreas Baumbach

Steps of PCI

Ashok Seth

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Andreas Baumbach