DCB in variable day-to-day clinical scenarios

With the collaboration of Interventional Cardiology Society of Malaysia (ISCM) and Indonesian Society of Interventional Cardiology (ISIC)
Coronary Interventions
Left main and multivessel disease
Stents and scaffolds
How Should I Treat?
Focus on International Collaboration

Watch this session if you want

  • To learn variable indications for use of DCB in daily practice
  • To understand the technique of using DCB in different lesion settings
  • To learn tips and tricks on using DCB

Anchorpersons: Doni Firman, Shaiful Azmi Yahaya

Discussants: Yudi Her Oktaviono, Dejan Milasinovic, Amin Ariff Nuruddin, Sunarya Soerianata, Jack Wei Chieh Tan

Session objectives

Doni Firman

Case 1 - When there is no good stent landing zone, avoiding full metal jacket

Dasdo Sinaga

What would I do?

Amin Ariff Nuruddin

What did I do?

Dasdo Sinaga

Discussion and audience interaction
Case 2 - Stenting begets stenting... or does it?

Ramesh Singh Veriah

What would I do?

Yudi Her Oktaviono

What did I do?

Ramesh Singh Veriah

Discussion and audience interaction
Case 3 - Optimisation in left main bifurcation PCI, focus on the side branch

Achmad Fauzi Yahya,

What would I do?

Jack Wei Chieh Tan

What did I do?

Achmad Fauzi Yahya,

Discussion and audience interaction
Case 4 - DCB in acute coronary syndrome

Ramesh Singh Veriah

What would I do?

Sunarya Soerianata

What did I do?

Ramesh Singh Veriah

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Shaiful Azmi Yahaya